
Tom Hatlen
Does your website set you apart?
By Tom Hatlen

About 50% of Lindgren Landscape’s leads are generated by their website. That’s a lot. And, it says a lot about where high-end prospects search for contractors these days.

Tim Lindgren’s client (featured on page 12) found his company thru their website, liked what they saw and made the call. With that call occurring nearly 4 years ago, Tim had to check his database to confirm the lead came off their website. They document the sources for all leads so they know what’s working.

The Idea Book and Portfolio sections of are loaded with lots of large, professional photos that illustrate the range of work they do. Tim says the website builds confidence with prospects. Seeing the level of work Lindgren does displayed professionally on the website builds value. It helps get prospects into the frame of mind that they will need to pay for a design.

The auto-play video on their homepage is knock-your-socks-off good. It shows off the same project we featured on page 12. It makes the job look even better. The video immediately fills your whole screen when you open the homepage. Drone-mounted and chest-mounted cameras provide an amazing 3D affect that makes you feel you are there floating over the landscape. Beautiful lighting brings out the colors.

Tim says this was actually the first project video they’ve done. While it turned out great and he wants to do more, he says it was expensive to pay a production company to come out. So they’re thinking about buying their own drone for future videos.

The big take home for me on the Lindgren Landscape website is the need to have a website that sets your company apart enough that prospects will call you before they call someone else. Most clients are looking for something unique. Do they find that when they visit your website? Are the photos on your website of the quality that make people wish they were there?

Of course people first have to find your website. I do a lot of searches for contractor websites by company names. I often don’t find a website, but only find listings in various online business directories. Different directories often have conflicting contact information, so which one right? Many times I’ve found businesses that shut down years before are still listed. I doubt prospects spend too much time following up on contractors listed in untrustworthy directories.

Need your own website. Need it optimized to show up at the top of common searches people do such as “landscapers near XXXXXXX.” And it needs to have the quality content that will set you apart enough that prospects will call you.

50% of initial leads generated by your website. Wow.

Digital Edition
April/May 2024