Articles Written by Charles Vander Kooi

From the Idea Book .

The Keys to Delegation

By Charles Vander Kooi

There is a plateau that many companies reach called "Founder's Gap." It occurs when the company has grown in size and profitability to the company founder's limit of performance. In order to get past this plateau, an important thing must happen: Delegation.

One of the first things that must often be overcome is the founder's EGO. You've built your business and having done it all. Up 'til now, the success of the company is a direct result of your efforts. You've come to believe that if something is going to be done right, you must do it.

Once you're past the ego issue follow 3 important steps to successful delegation:

  1. Accountability . People must be made accountable to accomplish what you delegate. They need to be explicitly aware that the "buck" will stop with them, and that no excuses or finger pointing will be accepted.
  2. Education . Too often we assume that people wouldn't agree to accept responsibility if they didn't know how to do what was delegated. I have found to often that this is just not true. Many times people accept things way over their heads in order to please you or in hopes of a promotion. With delegation, you must also educate the person to give him the opportunity to succeed.
  3. Verification . I believe it was Tom Peters who said, "What gets measured, gets done." You must have some way to measure what constitutes the successful completion of tasks you assign. Too many contractors are naïve enough to think that their employees are as conscientious as them. If they were, most of them would be contractors themselves. I have learned that a lot of what I delegate will not get done - and I won't even know it - unless I set up a system of verification.

Once I delegate something, I note it on a list of things that have been given to that person. As often as I can, I go over that list with him to verify that it has been either done or is going to be done.

If you are frustrated with delegating to your employees it's very likely that it is you who are failing them by not following these basic steps: Accountability - Education - Verification.

Digital Edition
April/May 2024